Sick Dog Symptoms: 5 Warning Signs You Shouldn’t Ignore

Did ya notice if your older dog's been actin' a little weird? It's super important to know if your dog feels sick. If ya ignore it, it might be bad for them. The sooner you find out, the better.

Some people think the wrong stuff about pet sickness, which means they don't find out quick enough. But don't worry! If you know more about pet sickness, you can help your dog. Don't forget their shots too!

Making sure they don't get sick in the first place is the best thing. If ya see they're a bit off, you should do something fast so they don't get super sick later. Let's learn about the signs to look for. And if we do, our dogs won't hurt from things we didn't treat.

Sick Dog Symptoms
Sick Dog Symptoms

Always look out for your healthy dog. If something's not right, do something fast. We should all try to give our dogs the yummiest food so they are happy and healthy!

Alright, mate, listen up! Is your pet, like, you know, your old doggo, acting a bit off lately? Gotta be on the lookout for signs that somethin's not right with 'em. Ignorin' those signs can be really bad for your furry buddy. So, gettin' an early heads-up on any doggy illnesses is super important to keep 'em hale and hearty.

Recognizing When Your Dog is Sick

Dogs can't tell us when they're not feeling well, so it's important for owners to watch for signs of illness. Changes in behavior or appetite could mean your dog needs to see the vet. This article will teach you the most common sick dog symptoms to look out for.

Changes in Energy Level

The first signs your dog is under the weather often involve energy levels. Compare your dog's current activity to their normal routine:

  • Lethargic: Lying around all day, moving slowly, not wanting to play or go for walks
  • Restless: Pacing, unable to get comfortable, following you everywhere

Dogs normally sleep a lot, but a sudden lack of energy or not wanting to do activities they usually enjoy could signal a health problem.

Appetite Changes

Dogs are famously food-motivated, so changes in their appetite can indicate issues:

  • Not eating: Skipping meals, disinterested in treats or favorite foods
  • Increased hunger: Acting extra hungry despite normal feeding amounts

Loss of appetite or increased hunger for more than a day warrants a vet visit.

Gastrointestinal Upset

Stomach and digestion issues commonly occur:

  • Vomiting: Throwing up food, fluid, or yellow bile
  • Diarrhea: Loose, watery, or bloody stool
  • Bloating: Distended belly, gurgling noises, trying unsuccessfully to vomit
SymptomWhen to Call the Vet
VomitingLasting over 6 hours
DiarrheaLasting over 24 hours

These symptoms can lead to dehydration or other complications, so don't wait if they persist.

Breathing Issues

Watch for breathing changes, like:

  • Coughing
  • Wheezing
  • Fast or labored breathing
  • Breathing with an open mouth

Dogs can't catch COVID from humans, but respiratory infections are common. Difficulty breathing warrants an urgent vet visit.

Behavior Differences

Personality changes when sick can include:

  • Unusual clinginess or isolation
  • Accidents in the house
  • Lack of interest in fun activities
  • Irritability or other mood changes

If your dog stops acting like themselves, get them checked for illness right away.

When to Take Your Dog to the Vet

Here are the top reasons to schedule a vet appointment:

  • Vomiting or diarrhea lasting over 24 hours
  • Loss of appetite beyond 1 day
  • Lethargy or weakness persisting over 24 hours
  • Breathing issues
  • Pale gums or other signs of dehydration
  • Significant weight loss
  • Skin problems like sores or hair loss
  • Anything else unusual for your dog

Call an emergency vet clinic if symptoms seem life-threatening. Otherwise, schedule a regular appointment as soon as possible.

Helping a Sick Dog Feel Better

While waiting for your vet appointment, you can make your dog more comfortable:

  • Encourage them to drink water
  • Feed bland foods like rice and chicken
  • Limit exercise to necessary short walks
  • Provide a quiet, comfortable area to rest
  • Monitor symptoms and call the vet with any changes

Never give human medication to dogs without first asking your vet. Some over-the-counter drugs for people can be dangerous for canines. Stick to the treatments advised by your veterinarian.

Preventing Future Illness

You can help your dog stay healthy by:

  • Getting annual vet checkups
  • Keeping up with all vaccinations
  • Using monthly heartworm and flea/tick medication
  • Feeding high-quality commercial dog food
  • Providing safe chew toys that don't splinter
  • Puppy-proofing your home and yard
  • Walking daily and playing games for mental stimulation

While you can't prevent every sickness, proactive care measures go a long way! Monitor your dog for any troubling symptoms and take them to the vet promptly when ill. With quick treatment guided by your veterinarian, your pup will be back to their happy, energetic self in no time!

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